Bruxism Treatment

Grinding Your Teeth? It May be a Condition Known as Bruxism

If you find yourself waking up during the night or in the morning with an aching jaw, or if your sleep partner has told you that they can hear you grinding your teeth while you sleep, you may be suffering from a condition known as bruxism – more commonly called teeth grinding. So, what does that mean for you? Keep reading to learn more about bruxism and how Dental at the Met can treat this condition so you – and your sleeping partner! – and get a better night’s rest.

There Isn’t a Single Known Cause of Bruxism

Although there is not a single known cause of bruxism, there are several factors that can be considered. The first culprit is stress. Studies have shown that when individuals are stressed or agitated, they tend to clench their jaws tighter, which leads to grinding.

Bruxism Can Affect Patients of All Ages

Although children don’t typically suffer from the lifestyle distresses mentioned above, and it’s relatively uncommon in that age group, pediatric patients can suffer from bruxism to a degree. The good news is that children typically grow out of the habit without too much intervention. As a family and general dental office in Calgary, Alberta, Dental at the Met can help evaluate whether or not your child may be grinding their teeth.

Some Other Considerations

A few other reasons that make it difficult to pinpoint a singular cause of bruxism include a patient’s genetic factors, general medical history, current medications, and other considerations like lifestyle choices such as alcohol and caffeine use. When you visit Dental at the Met, our caring and friendly staff will provide suggestions about what changes you can make to help in your treatment of bruxism in Calgary, AB.

The Most Effective Treatment for Bruxism

Because the cause of bruxism can be so difficult to pinpoint, many patients who suffer from it have found the best way to solve the disruption of their teeth grinding is to use a custom mouth guard while sleeping. Because custom mouth guards are easy to use and provide such relief against bruxism symptoms, they are the solution of choice for most patients. If you’d like to learn how Dental at the Met can help treat your bruxism with a custom mouth guard in Calgary, Alberta, please make an appointment today!

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